Monday, April 27, 2020

When You Feel Like It....Don't

When you feel like nothing goes right and even walking down the street is a chore. 

Talking to your friends and family seems like it's always a knife fight. 

It seems like you are always a penny short and you always miss out on "that" opportunity. 

It seems like the person if front of you in line wins the "1000th customer" award. 

When you are just walking along and a bird drops "poop" on your head. 

When you always seem to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

When you are mistaken for someone that robbed a bank in New York and you live in Chicago and have never been to New York. 

When the cops says I was actually going after the guy that was driving in front of you. 

When the hot water turns to cold when it's your turn to shower. 

When you just feel like you can't take it anymore and you feel like you have to do something...don't. 

What you are going through know that if you look to your left or to your right the person that you see is going through the same thing. You are not alone. 

Everybody on the planet has days and weeks just like you. Homeless people have good days and filthy rich people have bad ones. 

So when it looks like everything in the whole wide world that's bad is happening to you and you just don't feel like taking anymore and one more thing will push you right over the edge....(look around and you will see other faces and attitudes just like yours and rest assured they're feeling the same way you are) and just.....don't.

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